Bridge Builders

A Graduate Award Program For Marus Bridge Children

Dear pupils, parents and colleagues

I am delighted to share our Bridge Builders Graduate Award program. It has been written with our pupils and for our pupils. It is unique to Marus Bridge and offers experiences and achievements that go beyond the National Curriculum.

Why have a Graduate Award Program?

  • To make our curriculum even more exciting and geared to what our pupils like to do and learn.
  • To help pupils to develop characteristics of effective learning that cut across school and life.
  • To reward and encourage pupils and their families for supporting our ethos.
  • To make our school an even better place to learn.
  • To help pupils make a contribution to our school, family, local community, country and the world.

Two Mirrored Aims

1. Develop personal skills, health, wellbeing and knowledge to make a contribution to our school community, our local community, our country and our world.

2. Understand and enjoy our school, local community, country and our world to value and respect others and so develop personally.

Rich experiences, learning, giving and having fun

Every year, pupils will enjoy new challenges and develop skills in exciting ways. It could be cooking meals for an invitation evening for the elderly in our community, making contact with children in a third world school, building a campfire and sleeping under canvas, performing a piece of music or dance or enjoying a trip to the theatre. The booklet that follows sets out the experiences on offer. You will see that we need your help if children are going to succeed and gain the full benefit of the program.

How do pupils ‘graduate?

At the end of Year 6 there will be a special Graduation Ceremony for all pupils. Each year, from Reception onwards, children can earn part of the Bridge. A badge will be presented to each child who has completed 80% or more of the experiences and challenges in the scheme at the end of each year. The bridge is completed during Year 6. So what sort of characteristics do we want our children to have that will help them succeed in the next stage of education and in later life?

We would like our graduates to be:

  • Confident
  • Articulate
  • Numerate
  • Literate
  • Empathic
  • Kind
  • Co-operative

We want our graduates to be able to:

  • Speak clearly and confidently using Standard English.
  • Read well, for pleasure, for study and for information
  • Communicate in well-written, grammatically correct, accurately spelt  sentences and paragraphs.
  • Use numbers confidently to solve problems when studying and in daily life
  • Be health-conscious, eat well and stay active, swim and compete in sports
  • Perform or sing a simple piece of music, dance and drama and appreciate others’ work
  • Design and make artistic and practical objects and appreciate others’ work, including work of celebrated artists and architects
  • Learn with increasing independence and have ambition
  • Show empathy and understanding of others in school, at home, in our town, our country and overseas
  • Know what is happening in the wider world and express an opinion on current affairs
  • Stay safe We look forward to working with you and helping your children to learn, to love school and to build their bridge!

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Primary School

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Kelvin Grove, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN36SP


01942 248129

HEAD TEACHER | Mr R Aldridge


SENDCO | Mrs J. Lloyd