Name of Local Governing Body: Marus Bridge Primary School
The remit for the Governing Body is to:
Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
Governor Specific Roles & Responsibilities
Mrs K. Catterall | Chair of Governors |
Mr K. Davies | Vice Chair of Governors, Staff Wellbeing |
Miss E. Hobden | Clerk |
Mr J. Carroll | Special Educational Needs, Safeguarding/Child Protection, Looked after Children |
Mr K. Davies | CPD & Training |
Miss H. Whiting & Mr K. Davies | School Council and Pupil Voice |
Mrs R. Weate | Health & Safety |
Mrs K. Catterall & Miss H. Whiting | English, History, Geography, MFL, Religious Education |
Mrs R. Crossley | Safeguarding/Children Protection, Looked after children Maths, Science, Computing, Design Technology |
Mrs J. Pitts | Art, PE, Music |
Mr K. Davies | Pastoral, Nurture, Well-being, PSHCE and Relationships |
Mrs K. Catterall | EYFS |
Mrs R. Rive | Pupil Premium & Attendance |