Pupil Voice

What the chldren say about our school - First Hand Accounts

Click the links for comments from our EYFS superstars


Year 1

  • The games we play in phonics help us to read and sound out our words - Carter   
  • I love discovery time in class to learn lots of new things - Hannah
  • All my teachers and friends - Gabrielle
  • I enjoy Parachute games at dinner time - William
  • I like sounding out new words to be a super reader - Ben
  • We have lots of visitors and trips to make lessons fun like Healthy Living - Ellis
  • Storytime is amazing - Aida
  • Our teachers are specail and we do lots of fun lessons - Lois




Year 2

  • You meet new people, the teachers make me smile and learn - Edward & Sienna
  • I get help to improve my handwriting - Reece
  • I love Marus Bridge because the teachers and the lessons are good - Oscar
  • I enjoy learning maths, english, reading and counting and all the teachers - Lilly
  • The teacehrs here are kind and they are helping us learn - Olivia
  •  If you need help someone will and and help you - Thomas
  • Being a true role model in class for my friends is what i like about school - Jack
  • Learning everything because my lessons are exciting - Maddie


Year 3

  • I like everything about Marus Bridge because it is fun - Noah
  • Teachers are kind and you learn lots. They will alwasy help you - Ellie
  • People are very kind and caring to each other - Ted
  • I like this school because i feel safe. - Darcie
  • The school dinenrs are delicious - Jenson
  • School is interesting and imaginative, I would stay forever- Molly
  • The teachers greet you at the door and welcome you - Hannah
  • I like school because their are lots of friendly people - Sunansh


Year 4

  • Our school is great, you get to meet new teachers throughout the years -Sienna
  • We have lovely food at dinner time at school - Riley
  • I love assemblies and finding out what is happenign all around the World - Ella
  • School has the best activities and everyobe is kind and caring - Evangeline
  • We get treated respectfully and everything is fun - Daisy
  • We learn how to do things in different ways to help us rememebr more - Mason
  • I love to learn about religious education because it is very intereseting - Holly
  • I like the pasta jar being full, it means we have been amazing - Liv

Year 5

  • The best thing about our school is that is is just amazing - Erin
  • Perfect behaviour from the children and good teaching from the teachers - Tyler
  • We have lots of fabulous firends - Poppy
  • I like the teachers because she sets a good example to me; really nice, kind and caring - Rhys
  • Our school has Good behaviour, outside learning and is safe - Waseem
  • Marus Bridge has very high standard of behaviour - Maisie
  • The teachers listen to us and we get new playground equipment - Emrys
  • We ar given lots of opportunities for trips and visitors - Millie







Year 6

  • The teachers give us work that challenges us - Poppy
  • The behaviour around school is good - Isla
  • I feel safe when I am at school - Ruby
  • Marus Bridge teachers us to respect people from other backgrounds and treat everyone equally - Sam
  • The teachers help us to do our best - Dalton
  • We have school councillors and planet protectors that help keep our school safe - Amelia
  • Our values are deliveresd in all our lessons - Kyle
  • History is my favourite subject at school because I like to learn about things that I didn’t know before - Aaron








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Primary School

The Rowan Learning Trust Ofsted ...good school Emotionally Friendly School Healthy School Wigan 2023 School Games- Gold 2023-24


Kelvin Grove, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN36SP


01942 248129

HEAD TEACHER | Mr R Aldridge


SENDCO | Mrs J. Lloyd