Welfare & Safety

Guidance on Home Tutors - Guidance-on-Home-Tutors

Anti-Bullying Advice

General Safety and Welfare


Think you know who your children are talking to online? Think again!

Do you know what ‘apps’ they have on their smartphones? Do you know if your child is playing Fortnite or if it’s costing you an absolute fortune?

Keeping up to date with how young people are using amazing new technology is challenging but it is vital that we do because of how quickly it changes. One of the most vital things we teach at school is how to stay safe and protect ourselves when we enter the ‘online’ world.

There are millions of apps, websites and online gaming places to visit and sadly, for our children, not all of them are safe and there is a growing number of children registering for apps or social media sites like ‘snapchat’ and ‘instagram’ when they are clearly not old enough to access or understand the content on them.

Accessing the online world can be just as dangerous as the real world when it comes to strangers and safety and with a wealth of parental support and advice links out there, it can be a minefield choosing the right ones to help you to help your child.

Focus on the main safety points and ask yourself these questions:

  • Have I set up parental controls on the computer, game console, mobile phone?
  • Have I checked the age rating for the website, app or game they are using?
  • Is this game, app or website safe for my child?
  • Do I make sure they are not left unsupervised whilst accessing these platforms?
  • Have I set a time limit for how long they are using technology?

If the answer is ‘NO’ to any of these questions you may need to think about what your children are doing whilst using technology. Further information can be found in the resources below:


Primary School

The Rowan Learning Trust Ofsted ...good school Emotionally Friendly School Healthy School Wigan 2023 School Games- Gold 2023-24


Kelvin Grove, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN36SP


01942 248129

HEAD TEACHER | Mr R Aldridge


SENDCO | Mrs J. Lloyd